Legal identity systems that are interoperable with other functional registries such as voter registration or passports
UNDP CDO Sprint Programme
The solution supports the capacity of the government directly and therefore the targeted populations will get benefits indirectly. When registering people, the DGIT solutions ensure that people with disabilities or manual labor workers whose biometrics cannot be captured have alternative means to be included in the registry. Also, for those living in remote areas can be registered offline and when the network is back, the computerized data will be synchronized with the system in a manner to ensure data protection and cyber security.
Malawi: 10 million ID cards issued with access to various government services Hondurs: 6 million ID cards issued which built trust for a successful election In the next year, same results are to be achieved in Vanuatu and Guinea-Bissau at least.
We are getting requests for support from different countries including Belize, Trinidad Tobago, Dominica and more in the pipeline. Also, function wise, in Malawi, the core registration function has been deployed and the CO and MS further requested to expand its function to digital wallet, legal case management system, and health data management system. In Vanuatu, a function on anti-money laundering is also requested.